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Featured Writers

IWC Featured Writers have recently distinguished themselves with a sale, option, production, a placement in a lab, or related action.

Featured Writers are updated quarterly.

April M. Sanchez

April M. Sanchez

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

In 2022, April M. Sanchez worked with a company that has an overall deal at Netflix to develop her whimsical television pilot inspired by her childhood growing up on the border.

Veronica Chavira

Veronica Chavira

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Veronica recently wrapped Season 1 in a writer's room for an all-female web series called “Bernadette the Brave” about a young Latina woman on the journey to finding her courage.

Daniel Gámez

Daniel Gámez

TV, Features, Drama

Danny's pilots achieved finalist status at the Sundance Episodic Lab and the Disney-ABC Writers Workshop. His features are being set up at his new Burbank-based production studio.

Linda Dillon Moya (Sweigart)

Linda Dillon Moya (Sweigart)

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

WGA member. NHMC Alumni. Developing "Fifteen Candles" with PM Productions. Stowe Finalist for TV Pilot "Burnouts," workshopped at Connemara Writers’ Retreat. AFF Semi-Finalist.

Yeni Alvarez

Yeni Alvarez

TV, Features, Comedy, Genre

Yeni Alvarez’s animated sci-fi comedy short, THE USUAL, screened for the first time at GRAUMAN’S CHINESE THEATER in Hollywood as part of the Silicon Beach Film Festival.

Alec Moore

Alec Moore

TV, Features, Comedy

Alec's feature comedy ADVANCED CHEMISTRY recently made its World Premiere as an Official Selection of the Dances With Films Festival.

IWC Membership

Use the above search bar to sort writers by name, genre, demographics, script attributes, and more.

Alec Moore

Alec Moore

TV, Features, Comedy

Comedy writer seeks someone to laugh, but will consider settling for silent chuckles if you're the stoic type...

Anne Toole

Anne Toole

TV, Drama, Dramedy, Genre

Versatile writer looking to grow with a team of great writers...

Arun K. Vir

Arun K. Vir

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Arun goes beyond being a scribe; she steps into the role of social explorer and tribal architect...

Brandy N. Carie

Brandy N. Carie

TV, Features, Dramedy, Genre

Brandy N. Carie is an award-winning playwright and screenwriter who writes horror and drama about what happens when nice girls get mad.

Christine Sneed

Christine Sneed

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

Christine aspires to write stories that entertain but also, like the Ferris wheel, offer the giddy uplift and the vibrancy of deeply seeing and being...

Dana Braziel-Solovy

Dana Braziel-Solovy

TV, Comedy, Genre

A former Chicago punk, Dana rebels, but only for good. Creating feminist TV shows, she fights the patriarchy with her computer keyboard and calls it “QWERTY Hurty..."

David Ngo

David Ngo

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

David wore surf clothes to blend in with his peers in Orange County, CA, but he never surfed. Now, he writes about such experiences with humor, heart, and catharsis...

Eugene Ramos

Eugene Ramos

TV, Features, Dramedy, Genre

Influenced by William Shakespeare and Rod Serling, Eugene writes genre stories about underdogs fighting the good fight (oftentimes while falling in love) against overwhelming odds...

H. S. Fishbrook

H. S. Fishbrook

Features, Drama

H.S. builds elegant, slightly-off kilter worlds where characters struggle to find their right place, and dynamic women at the heart of the narrative always pass the Bechdel Test...

James Moorer

James Moorer

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

The darkness came with James... Writing soul-gripping, character-driven thrillers that reach unspoken depths of humanity...

Joelle Luman

Joelle Luman

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Filipina-American writer/producer Joelle Luman specializes in dark, edgy stories in the action, grounded sci-fi, and horror genre for film and television.

Julie Dare

Julie Dare

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

Inspired by her own failed bid at The National Spelling Bee, Julie’s works explore characters redefining themselves after epic failure, devastating loss, and uproarious calamity.

Kelly Jo Brick

Kelly Jo Brick

TV, Drama

Kelly Jo Brick, a Sundance Fellow, has a passion for digging into the layers of humanity through telling stories of crime, mystery, underdogs, and dysfunctional families...

Kimberley Ann Sparks

Kimberley Ann Sparks

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Kim is an award-winning screenwriter who started in preschool television, went on to write mature video games, and is now writing dramatic features and one-hour series...

Lisa Gold

Lisa Gold

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Writer of unique, edgy dramas/dramedies/sci-fi/fantasy with depth...

Lisanne Sartor

Lisanne Sartor

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

An Italian American Jersey girl whose dysfunctional family history of secrets and lies has deeply informed her writing and culinary skills as well as her vengeful, loyal nature...

Matt Harry

Matt Harry

TV, Features, Comedy, Genre

Writer of fun, exciting stories with a dash of the fantastical...

Monique Madrid

Monique Madrid

TV, Comedy, Dramedy

Monique writes female-driven comedies, usually from lived experience, often with a satirical edge, always with a bit of edge...

Pepper Reed

Pepper Reed

TV, Features, Genre

She is the star-chaser who doesn't realize, she is the star she is chasing.

Robin Fusco

Robin Fusco

TV, Drama

Robin takes that woman you love to hate, puts her in a fucked-up situation, and makes you root for her. Expect questionable morals, identity crises, and shades of grey...

Sage Wells

Sage Wells

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Sage and her characters come from "the wrong side of the tracks." She's passionate about secrets, fierce women, poignant revelations, and unlikely duos seeking a better life..

Shaene M. Siders

Shaene M. Siders

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Shaene Siders is an IBM-certified computer geek and an award-winning action, science fiction, and fantasy writer. Never read her scripts without a helmet...

Steven Goldman

Steven Goldman

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

Writer. Reader. Popcorn Addict. Theoretical Amphibian...

Tony Ferrendelli

Tony Ferrendelli

TV, Features, Comedy

Much to the dismay of Tony’s 4th-grade English teacher, and his Mom, he can’t conjugate a sentence to save his life...

Victoria Renee

Victoria Renee

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Victoria Renee is a real woman with reel dreams...

Yeni Alvarez

Yeni Alvarez

TV, Features, Comedy, Genre

Bilingual Geeky Latina writes from her Cuban-immigrant background to make the world a spicier place—in both languages...

Alexa Oona Schulz

Alexa Oona Schulz

TV, Drama, Comedy

Alexa’s special skill is her background in writing and directing documentaries, and her work history with a law-enforcement agency...

Anthony Sclafani, Jr.

Anthony Sclafani, Jr.

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

Anthony’s writing is fueled by his life experiences along with his passion for true love, comedy and redemption. He hopes to play a part in the resurgence of the Rom Com...

Austin Elliott

Austin Elliott

TV, Drama

Austin recently co-wrote his first episode on American Horror Stories. His art forgery pilot 'State of the Art' also won the Drama Pilot Category at the 23' Austin Film Festival...

Carolyn  Kras

Carolyn Kras

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Carolyn is a playwright turned drama writer with studio development experience who loves creating character-driven stories with crisp dialogue and surprising plot twists...

Christopher J. Valin

Christopher J. Valin

TV, Features, Comedy, Genre

Contrary to popular belief, Christopher J. Valin writes about more than just superheroes. No, seriously. He really does...

Daniel Gámez

Daniel Gámez

TV, Features, Dramedy, Genre

Half-hour Dramedy, One-Hour Dramedy, Feature Film Traumedy, Playwright...

Edward Coffey

Edward Coffey

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

Veteran and AAPI writer of all genres...

Garret Williams

Garret Williams

Features, Drama, Dramedy, Genre

Garret is a screenwriter, director and producer whose work focuses on drama, thriller, dark comedy and in any combination of those genres...

Harrison Pierce

Harrison Pierce

TV, Features, Dramedy, Genre

An award-winning graduate of UCLA's MFA program, Harrison aspires to infuse the classic genres of film and television with the comedy, drama, and horror of modern life...

Jennifer Vandever

Jennifer Vandever

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

Jennifer writes smart, interesting characters navigating absurd worlds. Her scripts center women exploring modern relationships, politics, and power, often with a satiric slant...

Joseph Mwamba

Joseph Mwamba

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Joe recently wrote his first episode on an upcoming Netflix action series & writes aspirational Young Adult dramedies...

Karol Ruth Silverstein

Karol Ruth Silverstein

Features, Drama, Comedy, Dramedy

Karol Ruth Silverstein champions misfits, underdogs, and that weird kid nobody wanted to sit next to. Spoiler alert: she qualifies as all of the above. Dramedy is her sweet spot...

Khari Wyatt

Khari Wyatt

TV, Features, Drama

Khari is a playwright and screenwriter who tells stories about the underdogs of society; underdogs created from circumstances beyond their control or their own regretful choices.

Krystyna Łoboda

Krystyna Łoboda

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Krystyna is inspired to write original, entertaining, epic, and sometimes funny science-fiction...

Lisa Jeanne Rosenberg

Lisa Jeanne Rosenberg

Features, Drama, Genre

Lisa explores personal beliefs and decisions that drive momentous social and political outcomes. Underdog scientists, a female thief, and a war criminal are among her characters.

Mark DeCarlo

Mark DeCarlo

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

A Founding member of The Second City LA, Mark is an Emmy Award-winning TV/Film performer, writer, and producer. Adult Animation = portal to the Multiverse...

Michael J. Dougherty

Michael J. Dougherty

Features, Drama, Comedy, Genre

Michael writes dark features, comedies, dramas, and genre...

Natalija Vekic

Natalija Vekic

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Natalija writes and directs suspenseful dramas from the perspective of immigrants, outsiders, and women who boldly shape history but are often forgotten...

Philip Pierce

Philip Pierce

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

As a clinical psychologist with a medical background, Philip has special expertise in the field of the human mind. He especially loves deepening other people’s scripts...

Roxanne Beck Raye

Roxanne Beck Raye

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Roxanne's writing focuses on women who refuse to be silenced, and underdogs who never give up...

Saiya Floyd

Saiya Floyd

TV, Features, Genre

Saiya explores new perspectives in historical, fantasy, and sci-fi stories. Through heightened worlds, she uncovers traits that make us the most human...

Stephen Nolly

Stephen Nolly

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Stephen is a biracial Japanese/Jewish writer/director and Air Force brat. He writes high-concept, socially-conscious stories and is a current RespectAbility fellow.

Teresa Sullivan

Teresa Sullivan

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

Salty heroes, bad-ass leading women, war stories, baseball tales, and a laugh-out-loud granny saving an airplane – No one puts Teresa’s characters in a corner...

Tracy Held

Tracy Held

TV, Features, Comedy

A Chinese/Eastern European writer, Tracy loves to tell stories about do-gooders who strive to save the world, but struggle to know how to navigate the human interaction part...

Virtic Emil Brown

Virtic Emil Brown

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Virtic puts a lot of her emotions and experiences in her writing. She focuses on inclusion and diversity...

Yousif Nash

Yousif Nash

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

A son of Iraqi immigrants and an Air Force veteran, Yousif writes about his military experience through the Sci-fi and Fantasy genres or nerds suffering through the normalities of life...

Aminah Hughes

Aminah Hughes

Features, Drama, Comedy, Dramedy

Aminah writes trauma recovery narratives. She focuses on women’s stories and examines male characters through a feminine lens.

April Sanchez

April Sanchez

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

Latina screenwriter who explores themes of family, belonging, and identity (peppered with magical realism) in comedy, drama and horror stories for Television and Features.

Billie Jo Mason

Billie Jo Mason

TV, Features, Genre

Recently worked with showrunner Mark Protosevich on SUGAR (starring Colin Farrell) for Apple+...

Christina Hulen

Christina Hulen

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Christina writes features and television about women and LGBTQ+ people whose stories have been white-washed or lost to history...

Cynthia Crofoot

Cynthia Crofoot

Features, Drama, Genre

Cynthia writes female-driven drama and genre screenplays with a twist. Her stories showcase strong but flawed female protagonists in worlds where things aren’t always as they seem

Danielle Weinberg

Danielle Weinberg

TV, Features, Comedy, Genre

Danielle writes smart comedies, fun mysteries, and concise personal blurbs...

Ellen Ancui

Ellen Ancui

TV, Features, Comedy, Dramedy

Ellen (Ahn-swee) has been dubbed "queen of the traumadies" for her blend of irreverence and heart in her TV, feature and theater scripts...

Gina DeAngelis

Gina DeAngelis

Features, Drama, Comedy, Genre

Youngest of 10 Kids Fled to Australia at Age 16...

Helena Zhen

Helena Zhen

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

High concept writer with an emphasis on elevated genre and an affinity for a world-building. Grounded sci-fi and thriller laced with a potent dose of characterization...

Jeremy Palmer

Jeremy Palmer

Features, Drama, Dramedy, Genre

Jeremy finds humor and humanity in every setting—from WW1 to a public school to a time travel lab—and uses it to tell compelling stories from almost any genre you can name...

Jude Roth

Jude Roth

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Jude Roth's from a northeast town filled with both natural beauty and toxic waste – a tense push-pull for redemption that drives her character-driven dramas and thrillers.

Katherine Ruppe

Katherine Ruppe

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Katherine writes propulsive dramas about intrepid underdogs pursuing the impossible – whether it’s delivering justice or rocketing to space...

Kim Turner

Kim Turner

Features, TV, Comedy

Kim works overtime to make you laugh and to distract you so you don't see the moment that breaks your heart coming...

Linda Dillon Moya (Sweigart)

Linda Dillon Moya (Sweigart)

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

An avid traveler, Linda is a global storyteller drawn to writing about complex characters that live on the fringes of society...

Lisa Kors

Lisa Kors

TV, Features, Dramedy, Genre

Award-winning writer/producer who tells stories of women making bad choices for good reasons...

Marty Lang

Marty Lang

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

Drama/dramedy writer, captivated with dysfunctional families, politics and the working class...

Michael January

Michael January

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Versatile vision and character in thrillers, action, and drama...

Nicholas Pangilinan

Nicholas Pangilinan

TV, Features, Comedy, Genre

The son of an immigrant, Nick writes the stories that he wished he had while growing up: diverse, well-rounded, and a bit wild...

Rich Orstad

Rich Orstad

Features, Drama, Dramedy, Genre

Heavy focus on features; family drama, horror comedy, genre. Seeking the right manager and agent. Open to OWA's.

Sabine El Gemayel

Sabine El Gemayel

Features, Drama

Sabine writes character driven stories advocating for peace and dialog in a world of conflict...

Scott Sanford Tobis

Scott Sanford Tobis

TV, Features, Drama, Comedy

As a storyteller who firmly believes in the 'content dictates form" adage, Scott loves every genre. That said, his goal is bring romance and comedy back to the romcom genre.

Steve Holbert

Steve Holbert

TV, Features, Drama, Genre

Steve writes horror TV and features where the girls and gays stop running, pick up the ax, and start taking names...

Terri (T.B.) Spaugh

Terri (T.B.) Spaugh

TV, Features, Genre

A natural born plotter who loves bending genre expectations...

Veronica Chavira

Veronica Chavira

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Veronica's work focuses on immigrant and LGBTQIA+ stories, of which 3 scripts have placed at Austin Film Festival...

William T. Sutphin

William T. Sutphin

TV, Features, Drama, Dramedy

Creative, by way of The Creator...

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