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April Sanchez

Manager: James Smith with Aaron Kogan Management

April M. Sánchez was born and raised on the US/Mexico border in El Paso, TX. Growing up in a bicultural city has inspired her stories, which often reflect the beauty, wonder, and traditional elements of border town culture. In 2022, a company that has an overall deal at Netflix worked with April to develop her whimsical television pilot inspired by her childhood as an American born Latina growing up on the border.

April holds a bachelor's degree in Screenwriting and a Latino Media Studies certification from UT Austin. Her scripts have made their way to the finalist round in the Sundance Screenwriters and Episodic Labs and as a Semi-Finalist in The Academy Nicholl Fellowship and the Universal Writers Lab, amongst others. She was a 2021 fellow for the NHMC TV Series Writers Lab. April currently has a feature film in Stowe Story Lab's LAUNCH, a feature development program.

As a writer, April is drawn to exploring themes of family, belonging, alienation and identity. Magical realism and border town Latinidad are often featured in her stories.


Female, BIPOC, Latinx

April Sanchez


(Feature- Drama/Thriller)

A temperamental mother seeks justice for her daughter’s murder amidst systemic corruption and accusations of being a murderous vigilante herself, causing tension in the relationship with her surviving daughter with a dark secret of her own.


(Half-hour TV pilot- coming-of-age dramedy)

A socially awkward teenager becomes her own worst enemy when she sets out to stifle her overactive imagination in order to fit in, make friends at school and participate in a quinceañera.


(Feature- Horror)

A con artist must exorcise a demon from her brother’s body, despite not believing in the existence of the supernatural, before the demon kills her brother and unleashes the dark forces of hell.

Female-centric, BIPOC-centric, Thriller, Horror, Coming-of-Age, Dark, Silly, Magical Realism

Female, BIPOC, Latinx


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