Independent Writers' Caucus
Yeni Alvarez
Manager: Will Swift, Arsenal Media - swifty@arsenalmediallc.com
(323) 424-7647
Google "Multi-Cultural" and you get Yeni Alvarez. Yeni was born in Cuba and escaped with her parents to Panama when she was 10. She was smuggled via Rio Grande into the US and grew up in the most Cuban of neighborhoods, Hialeah, where stores display signs that read “We speak English.” She studied theater in NY and Miami and paid for college by working weekends as a children’s party princess, all while learning makeup techniques from a transgender best friend. Yeni later moved to LA to be an actress, booking her first audition for the highest-rated sitcom in Spanish Television, and later her voiceover career bloomed when she booked the Spanish Female voice of Disney Theme Parks. (She's the Spanish voice that tells you to "keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times.")
Yeni is fluent in three languages, writes in two, and dabbles in Klingon. Her worldview informs her screenwriting, creating stories and characters that span the entirety of the human experience. Plenty of people can imagine fish-out-of-water stories, but few have lived one as fearlessly – and humorously – as Yeni. She is currently developing multicultural comedy, sci-fi, and animation properties that celebrate human diversity and the most powerful force on Earth: Laughter.
Female, BIPOC, Latinx

(Period feature)
17th Century Italy was plagued by the deaths of hundredths of abusive husbands. They all had one thing in common. Very well scented wives. Enter Julia Tofana, the profumiera saint and savior of would be widows.
(Animated TV Series - similar to JIMMY NEUTRON but with Einstein and Tesla)
Mostly true tales of steampunk inventions by the kids who would grow up to be titans.
(Half Hour Comedy Sitcom)
Afraid of losing his job in Hollywood, a washed up Jewish writer hires his Latina dog walker to play the role of his writing partner.
Character-driven, Female-centric, BIPOC-centric, Sci-Fi, Children's, Animation, Limited Series, International
Female, BIPOC, Latinx